

Progress-Linux的source就好了。如果你胆敢在Ubuntu上这么干,只会把系统弄的一团糟。当然,直接下载Progress-Linux的安装ISO也是可以的,这个ISO基于Debian Live,作者(Daniel Baumann)本人也是DD,是Debian Live的主要作者之一。















Relax, I don’t mean to progress Linux, it’s a new distribution (kind of). http://progress-linux.org, a new dist based on Debian.

Why people made this dist? Technically, it is no a fully dist. Unlike Ubuntu, this dist can totally on the top of Debian stable(squeeze). You don’t need to download a ISO from website and install. Just install Debian stable, and add source ofProgress-Linux.

It will be done. If you do something like that under Ubuntu, it willdestroyyour system. Even though that’s possible:

Progress-Linuxinstall CD is based on theDebian Live (the main author of Progress-Linux, Daniel Baumann, is a Debian Developer, and he is themain person behind Debian Live).

Why? Because Debian is apreciseness dist. For example, the package mdadm had a little tinyinconveniences. It will send you a Email When check RAID every month. So if there are huge amounts of computers, it will beannoying. To fix it, one of the scripts need to be added a extra parameter ‘-q’. But it toke 9 months to fix it. Because maintainer don’t care much about this issue, andRelease Terminsist this bug MUST be fixed in Sid first, then testing, finally stable. So your mailbox will besubmerged under log reports for 9 months.

Progress-Linuxis faster.

But why new dist?

The design of Debian, is easy to fork, but strictly in release.

There are many of conditions to be met to upgrade some package, like DSFG (which means a series of open source license), upgrade in Sid first, Release Termmake the decision, etc. Never, a DD can update a package in Debian stable directly. He has toask approval from the Release Term. If every DDs can update package in stable directly, that will be the hell. DD can’t cut through the Release Term, and we can’t wait for the issues.

What’s gonna do? Make a new repository! The Debian project encourage you to do so(and many dist do), but new repository can’t use the name of Debian. So the author of Progress-Linuxmade a new dist. Now, DSFG is aadvantage. Every package in Debian is meet No.8 rule of DSFG,License Must Not Be Specific to Debian.

So, Progress-Linuxis a improvement based on Debian. Faster bug fix, more backport packages, less license considering. Of course, that only work for the packages author care.Another exciting fact is, all the packages inProgress-Linux and it’s backport will not clashing. It help stable to install many new software easily.If you like, you can add it’s source for an enhance. But don’t expect too much, it all above details. If you wanna know some of them, try this page(http://www.progress-linux.org/project/about/).

Maybe you wanna a mirror in China to run update(which faster, and less trouble). http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn is the primaryDebianmirror of China(alias tohttp://ftp.cn.debian.org), which has a mirror of Progress-Linux.